Animation films

  • Nine miniature sketches on different sports.
  • Humankind carelessly breaks all rules in the Universe. This leads to an inevitable catastrophe, a nuclear explosion! Immediately after the total destruction dozen survivors meet among the ruins of the civilization. Everyone managed to rescue a favourite everyday object. The first survivor has an idea, which shows as a light bulb overhead. Newcomers add their stuff to the light bulb, piling up. We should all ask ourselves if this pile was the key to human salvation.
  • Lo The Birdie, the brave (but only in words) Boombang Rabbit, the timid elephant Mi-Mi-Mi Elephantine and the alien baby Korkie are best friends. They are often drawn into amazing adventures thanks to Korkie – a cheerful and careless (about the earthly regulations) baby. one such case is the adventure with a reclusive greyhound, called Bad Alice. Everyone is terrified of Bad Alice – she hates kids, and Grandma Bunny tells scary bedtime stories about her, which in turn wear from ear to ear with solemn dread. Оne day Alice’s wallet comes out of the tummy of the omnivorous Korkie…
  • An appeal to society against terror and war, against violence in any of its forms. In a dynamic and dramatic way, the story exposes the connection between life, death and their eternal companion – Blood. Released from the corporeal prison of the dead body, it finds its own way, starts to grow, and like a huge monster envelops and conquers the entire world. It even spins with the Earth and triumphs in the name of death. Yet, so little of this blood can bring life back.