EFADs - European Film Agency Directors Association
Active since 2001, the European Film Agency Directors Association has now a formal status after the signature of the new statutes of a Brussels-based Association under Belgian law in December 2014.

The EFADs Association brings together Directors of European Film Agencies from 31 countries across Europe – from the 28 member-states of the European Union plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. EFADs represents government or government associated bodies with responsibility for national funding vis-à-vis the audiovisual sector and with a role of advising national governments in all aspects of national and European audiovisual policies.

The main topics that the EFADs discuss today are: the impact of the digital environment on the EU film sector and the role of the online operators, the proposed modernisation of EU copyright rules, the enforcement and protection of rights and media literacy.

EFADs members: http://www.efads.eu/members/members.html
Pressreleases: http://www.efads.eu/news/download-press-releases.html