
State support for the distribution of films shall be provided for Bulgarian films and films created in co-production with countries, which are a party under the European Convention for cinematographic co-production and with other countries, with which the Republic of Bulgaria has concluded agreements in the film industry sector, and also for European films.

Only persons registered under Single Public Register, who have no outstanding liabilities to the Agency or outstanding public liabilities to the state, may apply for support. State support shall be granted at a request of the persons distributing the film, who shall provide statistic information on their activities.

State support for the distribution of a Bulgarian films and films created in co-production shall be provided in the shape of earmarked funds amounting to no more than 50 per cent of film’s distribution and advertising budget.
State support for the distribution of European films shall be granted for no more than 25 per cent of the incurred by the distributor expenditures for the respective film.

The Financial Commission shall review the requests submitted and shall propose to the Executive Director of the Agency the amount of state support.

For 2018 Bulgarian National Film Center`s funding sessions for distribution are 2 sessions.

The submission of applications could be made within the following dead lines:

- 1st session - February 13, 2018 (Tuesday)
- 2nd session - August 17, 2018 (Friday)