A serial film of the Animation Calendar comic series by Stoyan Dukov. Each of the films tells in a funny and loving manner about a folk tradition or specifics of Bulgarian mentality. Typical of the comic series are paradoxical turns, bringing laughter through tears. Viewers recognize themselves in the characters, making them laugh through good-natured and warm self-ridicule rather than castigating their vices.
November is immersed in the colours of Bulgarian ways of life between 14 and 21 November, the so-called Wolf’s Days, when traditional rituals are performed in some parts of Bulgaria to protect people against evil.
November is immersed in the colours of Bulgarian ways of life between 14 and 21 November, the so-called Wolf’s Days, when traditional rituals are performed in some parts of Bulgaria to protect people against evil.
Director: Stoyan Dukov
Script: Stoyan Dukov
Cinematography: Marina Rusinova
Music: Alexander Ribitsov
Production: TRIKSI – Stoyan Dukov
With the support of Bulgarian National Film Center
Duration: 7 min
Script: Stoyan Dukov
Cinematography: Marina Rusinova
Music: Alexander Ribitsov
Production: TRIKSI – Stoyan Dukov
With the support of Bulgarian National Film Center
Duration: 7 min