Documentary films

  • A documentary about Todor Andreykov, the "Cinema Man", as he was called by the filmmakers on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. A film about the man Todor Andreykov, who loved cinema more than he loved himself... A film about the film critic Tony Andreykov, a walking encyclopaedia of world cinema... A film about the teacher of cinema, Prof. Todor Andreykov, who left a fragment of his heart in all the generations of contemporary Bulgarian filmmakers. A film about the "poetry of interpersonal silence", about the "imprinted time" of the 20th century and about the unbreakable love for the great illusion, THE CINEMA...
  • reveals the two faces of one Bulgarian town: the socialism of yesterdays and the pop folk music of today. Built in the 1950s as the symbol of the socialist system and the bright future, Dimitrovgrad has turned into a symbol of the capitalist dream and pop folk. The wind of change swept the older idols only to reinstate new ones. The film is a merciless dissection of the transition period after 1989 told from the point of view of several ordinary families from the town of Dimitrovgrad in southern Bulgaria. 20 years after the onset of democratic changes past and present, nostalgia and luxury coexist in two parallel worlds – in the Club of the Brigadier Movement Participants and the pop folk club.
  • The film tells the story of the last sites of making charcoal in Bulgaria. We get acquainted with the last masters of kilns, hereditary charcoalburners, who have preserved the ancient craft over the centuries. But the outdoor making of charcoal, this "black gold“ of the Strandzha and Rhodope Mountains is already completely banned.
  • A documentary about the walk of life of the great jazz singer Yildiz Ibrahimova; about the dramatic ups and downs in her life; about the colours of her wonderworking voice, whose vocal range spans over four octaves; about her unparalleled improvisational talent capturing the hearts worldwide; about her thwarted love with the man of her life, Ali Dincer; about her great expectations and belief in future...
  • The film is an attempt to uncover the reasons which will make a good programmer turn to creating computer viruses and to show the resulting damages. The action is based on interviews with various specialists in this field. Could computer viruses be a symptom of the plague of modern society in its striving to create artificial intellect?
  • The documentary film explores historically the phenomenon of the socialist Realism. Using a lot of archives, footage, photos, documents and analysis of the processes in art, the authors show the clearest manifestations of the socialist Realism and trace the origin, bloom and the decline of this method. With pain and humour the film tells dramatic human stories and shows the works of talented authors and artists in Bulgaria. The film also reveals the conditions in which the artists lived and worked and shows how the cultural policy of the USSR dominated the processes in the country and the entire socialist region.
  • A biography of Constantine Velichkov. A prominent politician and public figure, probably the last idealist of the revolution, a hopeless romantic, writer, intellectual, gentle lyrist, talented artist and a die-hard publicist. His oeuvre enriched Bulgarian literature in the post-Liberation period. He laid the foundations of fine arts, of theatre and the art of singing in this country. He modernized the education system. A Mr. Clean, readily sacrificing himself for Bulgaria. His phrase "I will not buy that“ was popular with his contemporaries as a means to fight corruption or unfairness in his political or personal relations.